Partnerships are the key to achieving our mission. By leveraging the knowledge and experience of other professional organizations, we have the ability to amplify our impact in Pinellas County.
Leveraging our partnerships
READ Pinellas’s partners are a huge factor in our success. These organizations provide us with both logistical and organizational support. They help raise awareness of our mission and help promote our goal of increasing literacy and providing self-value for individuals across Pinellas County. For more information on how to become a READ Pinellas partner, please contact us.
Working in collaboration with local organizations in Pinellas County helps us build upon the strengths of existing work and also helps to ensure long-term sustainability. A list of our most valued partners is listed alphabetically below:
- Early Learning Coalition of Pinellas County
- Florida Literacy Coalition
- Literacy Council of St. Petersburg
- Literacy Council of Upper Pinellas
- Palm Harbor Literacy Council
- Dollar General
- Pinellas County Schools
- Pinellas Public Library Cooperative
- Pinellas Refugee Education Program (PREP)
- Rotary Club of Dunedin
- Tampa Bay Times
- Learning Empowered
- ProLiteracy
In Growth
We believe in successful partnerships, community involvement, and increasing literacy. We collaborate with local leaders who care deeply about, and are invested in growing a sustainable, hopeful, and educated Pinellas County. Whether you’re a parent, a CEO or just someone who is passionate about promoting education, we have the right place for you. Get started here by joining READ Pinellas and our partners.

Carol Kennedy, English teacher at Hispanic Outreach Center
Pat Bauer, President, Literacy Council of Upper Pinellas